How can you combine sales and marketing tactics for success? One of the biggest mistakes that CEOs who are starting out make is over-reliance on a star salesperson or solely on digital means. They may also resort to spamming their way to infamy. “There are not more than five musical notes, yet the combinations of…
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When we were training our internal Sales and Telemarketing teams in selling large ticket ERP, we had a joke: 1. Target companies that are doing quite well – they have the cash flow to afford your solution. 2. Target companies that are doing very badly – their management will need to do something drastic to…
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In today’s scenario, a Sales leader should possess a strong heart, mind and muscles to excel at their job. You need to travel a path that hasn’t been traversed. The ablity of the company to survive depends on how fast you bring in the revenues. Most markets are getting commoditised and others needs a crazy…
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The 5 most important takeaways on how CEOs should orchestrate their company in getting social selling right- from our first Social Selling Event: 1. Social Selling will revolutionise selling. 2. Social selling is NOT ‘selling on social media’. It is influencing prospects, building/ nurturing relationships socially, and then taking conversations to the real world. 3.…
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Here is why shameless self-promotional content is OK once in a while but not too often!One of the most important rules of content that is often forgotten is the 70:20:10 rule. -70% should be own Thought Leadership content – 20% should be other’s content – 10% – and not more – can be self-promotional content…
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