
3 tips to ensure you are chasing the right prospects

More than 2/3rd of a salesperson’s time goes in follow-ups. Selecting the right prospect to go after is vital. Going too mass-market will result in you chasing buyers without budget or authority; going too narrow will entail you chasing ET 500 CIOs who already have 100s of vendors behind their backs! How can you decide…
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Can Marketing make Sales Irrelevant?

Peter Drucker famously said, ‘The art of marketing is to know the customer so well that the product/service fits him & sells itself.’ In B2C, ‘perfect’ marketing indeed makes the job of sales easier, simple and more non-strategic. If you look at the way Kia Seltos and MG Hector have been priced and positioned in…
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How to prevent prospects from going silent

There’s something in the buyer psyche that’s part feudalistic, part inability to say NO, and part pester avoidance behaviour. These are contributors to a buyer’s act of going silent. However, this doesn’t need to be the case. The golden rule to foster and sustain lasting relationships is to treat customers the way you want to…
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The Secret for SAAS Success

What is the Secret tool for SAAS success? Simply creating is not enough – selling is required. However, selling alone is also not enough – customer usage and engagement is needed. Most multi-user B2B SAAS products are priced cheap, as opposed to their selling effort required. This is done with the fond hope that once…
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How Sales Leaders must plan for Q4

How should sales leaders plan for the Oct-Nov-Dec quarter – where potentially 25% of the days can be holidays? October 2nd is one of the first days of Q4 – the birth anniversary of Gandhiji – this is a time to relax, lick one’s wounds and enjoy the laurels of the previous quarter’s exertions. Most…
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