Tag: sales

Inspiration for a Salesperson

Are you a salesperson looking for some inspiration to make the dreaded prospect calls? Here is a true story for you… Many years back a 23-year-old joined a Canadian bank as a rookie salesperson. He began each morning with two jars on his desk. One was filled with 120 paper clips. The other was empty.…
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10 most controversial & common-sensical rants & tips for B2B Sales & Marketing in India

Here are 10 most controversial & common-sensical rants & tips for B2B Sales & Marketing in India: 1. Tele is the best channel. 2. Inbound principles & digital marketing are the icing & cherry on the cake. 3. I worry about seeing so many customers who substitute the words ‘Sales & Marketing’ with ‘Growth Hacking’…
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Grass is always greener on the other side!

If you are in Market Research, you might envy the creative storytelling of Advertisers If you are in Advertising, you might envy the power of the Brand Managers If you are in Branding, you might envy the freedom your Sales colleagues have If you are in Sales, you might envy the power the CEO has…
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A great pricing lesson for Indians from Picasso

India is probably the most value-conscious market in the world. Selling in India – we can’t but avoid the great Indian general – General ‘Value For Money’ – like the great Russian General ‘Winter’ that Napoleon encountered while invading Russia. Maybe we should learn from Picasso while selling in India – A woman strolling in…
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Time to apply Vipassana in Sales?

Sales requires a lot of reaching out. And that means a lot of rejection. One of the biggest reasons sales is difficult is we find it difficult to deal with the constant 90%+ rejection we receive when we reach out – and hate/slacken our cold calling & reaching outs. The two biggest tenets of Vipassana…
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