Now is the time to be a young jobseeker, entrepreneur & activist! Traditional power structures & patronage networks based on affinity, language, region never had it so bad! The biggest power of LinkedIn + Twitter & Customer Response technology is dis-intermediation of traditional power network – dis-intermediation of networking itself! Go back 5 /10/15 years …
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You are a hotshot sales exec. who exceeds his quota every year and get the variable comp. and the glory for your wins. Do you honestly heart-of-heart need to thank anyone for your success OR is the glory yours & yours only? Your job is on the line every year / and winning business doesn’t…
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I consult with SAAS founders and my throat has grown hoarse telling them: Your Sales + Marketing + Alliance model is a function of your Product not the other way round. So always start with your Product when creating your Go To Market! Channels will not touch you with a barge pole till you become…
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The amount of literature available & discussions on effective sales & marketing is mind-boggling. Someone says cold calling doesn’t work; someone says it works; someone says SEO is dead; someone says its alive. There are as many discussions as many people. Mid-week morning philosophy: Debates on what works in B2B sales & marketing will never…
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Aditi Chaurasia asked for recommendations on top sales books to read. Here’s my ‘fab five’ list: Start with ‘Predictable Revenue’ – Aaron Ross and Marylou Tyler wrote a book based on Salesforce’s enterprise sales success with real life examples of how to setup sales teams & make them effective. Another must read book is ‘Lead Generation…
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