You can’t sell into B2B India using digital growth hacking only
My hypothesis is that you can’t sell into B2B India using digital growth hacking only – i.e. without tele or field sales.
I have worked with many of the fastest growing tech products & software cos. in India – and my experience says that only when you add people to the country-sales or telesales do you get that exponential growth.
India with our population & resulting availability of labour, quasi-feudalistic customer attitude, and eons of conditioning to humans selling to us – is not yet ready to buy b2b products without talking or meeting anyone directly – online on a mass-scale. Buying a brand online for B2C consumption is fine – but we will chaff at buying something that doesn’t have anyone answering a phone or coming & meet us.
Is there any Indian b2b SAAS player out there that is profitable & cash-positive by selling into the India market without any tele/sales?An India-market Atlassian/Slack in their early days that is cash-positive and has achieved revenues of substance?
Please prove me wrong! Please!