How to disrupt a traditional buying-selling pattern to win difficult deals?
- by administrator
- in Sales
- on January 21, 2022

Imagine you are a David (a small startup) fighting established Goliaths 10X your size to win a customer 1000,000X your size.
As a salesperson – you should make it as smooth as possible for your customer to buy from you, right?
No – disrupt their buying patterns to increase your chances of a sale!
All other vendors giving committed lead numbers?
Option 1: Give committed opportunity numbers. If you are sure you can deliver so.
Option 2: Say “we don’t give committed lead numbers because we don’t want to win your deal by promising the earth & moon & not delivering against them. We will give you complete transparency – and here’s the number of leads/opportunities per unit cost we delivered to our other customers.”
You have de-positioned the competition.
If you win, congrats!
If you lose, don’t worry. You got positioned as a trusted non-nonsense partner who should be considered sometime soon – in a hopeless scenario!
Tags: deals, sales, winningcustomers