B2B and B2C sales – are their paths convergent or divergent?
#1 Consumerisation of IT makes B2B selling and buying more human and humane
#2 Millennials are injecting much more personality in B2B selling and buying.
#3 Sales isn’t controlling the sales process and have lost the information advantage they had over the buyer – just like in B2C – where the information asymmetry was’nt that much or that important. However, there’s more than what meets the eye.
Here’s how B2B has moved further apart:#1 With the traditional funnel breaking up, everyone can agree that B2B Sales process complexity has increased exponentially. One can argue that more e-commerce sales in B2C has decreased sales complexity there.
#2 Need for smarter and higher-skilled sales has increased faster in B2B than B2C. Skill and salary differential between top B2B vs B2C salespersons has increased drastically.
#3 While website, chat-bots, and content are important, nothing can still make sales happen in B2B more effectively than the human touch – the research, the chase and the closure! As a smart B2B seller – you need to mimic some B2C buyer sales for sure – but your focus and unit of sales investment has to be the salesperson not the tech!