What are you doing to adapt your company & career to the changes in the environment?

Facing headwinds in business? Maybe time to consider pivoting? Do we know that most household name cos? started out as something radically different?
#Airbnb started out for conference participants only before going retail?
#WIPRO was a vegetable oil co. before getting into IT Services.
#IBM was a calculator company that got into mainframes & then to Services & now to cloud & AI.
#Playdoh was used to clean wallpapers!
#Wrigley started out selling baking powder & giving free chewing gum as a promotion.
#Youtube was a video-based ‘dating’ service (yes!).
#AWS & #Shopify came from e-commerce parents who didn’t like the services that they got from existing vendors?
#Slack began life as a video game with huge socializing & chat capabilities
It’s not the strongest or the most intelligent that survives – it’s the one that adapts the best to the changes in the environment!
What are we doing to adapt our company & career to the changes in the environment?