KPMG estimates that there is a 39B$ market for Indian brands going global. Is digital sales the missing link preventing you from that market?

KPMG estimates that there is a 39B$ market for Indian brands going global. Is #digitalsales the missing link preventing us from that market?
A video that has stuck with me since my intl. MBA days for over 20 years is a black-and-white grainy video of a James Bond type CEO getting into a British Airways aircraft to travel new lands, seek adventure & sign business.
Cutting to today, its still not very easy to think of intnl. biz. with minimal intnl. travel!
We have an awesome product & we are waiting for travel to open up before we start selling overseas?
We can talk with many founder/CEOs & customers who have built 100 crores global business with very little overseas travel.
How? The answer – digital sales – proceeded by some very astute research & smart targeting & messaging & some patience.
Social Media offers us access to all the audience whom we want to sell today. What we need to do is do our research really well, understand the target audience, & give them something of immense value through social that gets them to open up. 4% of the target audience is at any time in the market for a solution. If we get the relationship right – & our product is that good – they will consider us.
We don’t need to be a James Bond to go global! Not anymore!