How to be a Social Selling Superstar?

You want to be a Social Selling Superstar? Follow the step by step journey of being one!
- Start by imagining the Japanese concept of ikigai. You need to bring in four different characteristics – very difficult to find in a single person – and meld them into your persona.
- How? Start with being a professional. Be an outbound connector. To that add ‘people research’ + empathy’. And last but not the least – be a writer + designer. Its not an easy path. You have to be part Dale Carnegie, part Sherlock Holmes, the ‘brand you’ Tom Peters wrote 20 years back, and ‘the professional’ Subroto Bagchi wants us to be.
- You have to meld very different personality & habit types. You have to be genuine at the core – yet acquire new habits. You study, you learn, you publish, you connect, you share, you like, you make mistakes, fall & rise again and again … do that over years… each time rise up like a Phoenix… then you find the tide turning and the elements fusing …mastery is never easy but can be achieved. Then you become the Social Selling maestro – the Guy Kawasaki, Vala Afshar, Alok Rodinhood Kejriwal!