How Microsoft changed its sales stripes & outgrew its rivals?

How Microsoft changed its sales stripes & outgrew its rivals?

5 lessons from Microsoft go-to-market sales transformation that no sales leader can afford to miss:

1. Retraining & Hiring 

Cutting sales-overlay roles & hiring salespeople who could code along with their customers.

2. Customer Sucess

In the consumption economy of the cloud – you need non-billing Customer Success folks to get customers to adopt & evolve on the cloud. Microsoft did just that!

3. Partnership

Selling partner ISV products as their own is something that Microsoft had historically been good at. It mapped their reps’ sales quota with partner ISV sales to the next level.

4. Digital Sales

Microsoft had been investing in a self-built digital ecosystem before the pandemic that fed digital marketing generated qualified & intelligence-driven leads into ISEs. This offered guided selling & real-time sales coaching & objection handling which took the game to the next level.

5. Reduce costs

All in all, investing in industries into computing & digital transformation, having a coder sales force & reducing costs through a digital sales engine made it work!

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