Do you know why your prospect doesn’t want to pick up your phone?

Do you know why your prospect doesn’t want to pick up your phone?

That’s because you don’t treat them right. You treat them like a member of your list to be incessantly called till they pick up your phone; recipient of your vomit of a pitch; or a sales-message the moment after you connect with them on LinkedIn.

Respect is not doing ji-hoozuri /”yes sir / no sir”. It’s about respecting their time & intellect. Its about treating them as another busy human being. It’s about understanding & giving them the information they need when they need it – without haranguing them for an exchange. It’s about understanding & correctly reading their buying signals. It’s unlikely to come out of AI/ML – a deux ex machina – a god out of a machine – telling you to press buttons & getting a deal.

It will only come when you treat account & person as different; take the pain of understanding their personalities & treating them as a market of 1.
We have entered the era of ‘always be helping’.

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