Do you know what is the biggest thing missing for success as a CMO/Growth lead?

Do you know what is the biggest thing missing for success as a CMO/Growth lead?
Certainly, it’s developing a KPI orientation (KPIOr) for one’s marketing team.
Most marketeers are busy doing multiple campaigns & end up looking at KPIs at the end. By KPIOr, we are talking about the ability to break down their targets into time-sensitive chunks & ensuring that they are stepping up & down their activity stream to ensure they are meeting their targets in this time.
For instance, if we are doing an event – we want 100 CXOs of a certain vintage to register for an event & we have 25 days to go to the event – how do we plan? We need atleast 5 (7 to be safer) registrants happening b/n now & the event day – (keeping some extra buffer) on a daily basis – to reach that number.
Being KPIOr means as long as the planned daily activities are meeting the daily targets you are fine. If the activities are not meeting the target – we need to be able to do something out of the box or call in extra resources to meet our daily goals.
This will ensure that we are meeting your targets & god forbid not going to meet it – call it out to our boss before its too late!
A key skill to learn? Agree?