Should you sell to the highest decision maker you can reach out to?

Should you sell to the highest decision maker you can reach out to?

In today’s SAAS world it is so easy to yank out a product that doesn’t work or make user’s life easy. Selling too high in the hope that bosses override users’ choice may result in a sales but will quickly lead to the eventual abandonment of your product. There are always three parties in a B2B sale. The economic decision maker, the influencer, & the user.

In the past – selling complex products like ERP meant that if you win the economic decision maker, the deal will get through & the customer will bear with you till kingdom comes – switching costs being so high – damn the users.

Not saying that you shouldnt try reaching the senior-most prospects but not at the exclusion of user. If your product delights the user by a mile – the decision makers will certainly know. It doesn’t work vice versa! Today users are much more empowered & powerful. Where every solution you need is available as SAAS, the costs of switching are an all time low. Ignore users at your own peril!

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