Inspiring sales & life lessons from Air Deccan’s Mr. G.R. Gopinath

In the early days, Mr. Gopinath was a successful agriculturist. And he decided to move into micro-irrigation turnkey consulting. This is what he had to say:
“For 2 years, I loaded all the agri-equipment that I set out to market in the car boot and hit the road. While on these forays, I combined the roles of MD, consultant, & manager of the company. Every morning, I got into the car & traveled from one farm to another.
I found it to be the most difficult job in the world, the most challenging, & also the most rewarding. Each sale I made was emotionally & financially rewarding. Each time I missed an opportunity was a wake-up call.
The tragedy is that workers have no idea of the value they bring in. I realized how tough the job of a salesperson is, & also how important it is to get the salesperson involved with your vision and let him/her know what the true, not just the monetary value of his labour.
The knowledge that the product s/he sells to the farmer would help save money, increase yield, save energy, & benefit the community. Telling the farmers how to save water had become a religion with me. The farmers became great friends of mine; it proved a great life learning experience for me.”
#lessonsforlife #salesisnteasy #valuework