How to (& not to) send Diwali – & other festive greetings to your prospects.

How to (& not to) send Diwali – & other festive greetings to your prospects.
Our Whatsapp is groaning under the festive messages we sent to all our prospects but hold on- did we just send a canned non-personalized Diwali greeting to all?
We must spare a thought for the very important buyer who would be getting 100s (in some cases 1000s) of a canned messages from all & sundry.
Here’s my guidance:
#Rule1: We should always send a personalized greeting with the name of the person & talking about what he might be doing and/his family! The more personalized the better.
#Rule2: Repeat rule1 ten times.
#Rule3: Did our prospect beat us to the greeting? We should always write a highly personalized well-thought-out response that honestly talks about them & you.
#Rule4: We can do it very early or very late but not on the day of the festival where our message has a higher chance of getting lost.
#Rule5: This is a long-time relationship game. Are we building friends for life or are we only sending messages to the folks when we are selling to them? People see through that. We should send our greetings not just to prospects – but everyone worth sending to- every year.