How to get Genuine Confidence back?

How to get Genuine Confidence back?

How to get your confidence back?

How to get honest-to-goodness genuine confidence back? Are you feeling a bit down? 

Everyone has been a bit over the blues in the last couple of years. How do you bounce back? 

Some wonderful pieces of advice by Martin Zwilling, founder & CEO at Startup Professionals, Inc: 

🎯Convince yourself of what you want most in life, then go after it. 

👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻Be your own best friend – don’t dwell on what others think of you. 

⏱Use realism in short-term goals and 📅 creativity with long-term aims.

💡Gain more knowledge and consistently 🦾 apply it. 

🚶🏻‍♂️Make small steps forward, not an overhaul, in confidence-building. 

🤷🏻‍♂️ Recognise that every person has fears, doubts, and imperfections. 

🏌🏻‍♂️Above all else, always play to win. 

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