A great pricing lesson for Indians from Picasso

India is probably the most value-conscious market in the world. Selling in India – we can’t but avoid the great Indian general – General ‘Value For Money’ – like the great Russian General ‘Winter’ that Napoleon encountered while invading Russia.
Maybe we should learn from Picasso while selling in India – A woman strolling in a Parisian street came across the great Picasso painting. Gathering her guts she asked him “Can you paint me?”. Picasso obliged. In just minutes, there she was – on canvas as an original Picasso, “And what do I owe you?” she asked. “5000 Francs,” he answered. “But it only took you 5 minutes,” she replied. “No,” Picasso said. “It took me all my life.” Don’t charge by the hour. Charge by the years. Merci!