3 bugaboos SAAS founders should avoid when planning for Sales.

3 bugaboos SAAS founders should avoid when planning for Sales:
As we get ready for a month-long SAAS GTM & Sales Engineering exercise for a client, we should get reminded of our first SAAS sale that happened 12 years back. While our world is getting SAASified SAAS founders are often flying dark on key sales decisions. Here are the 3 bugaboos.
#1 We shouldn’t try to bite more than we chew. We can either be a 100% digi-sales org. /ISE org. /an Enterprise sales org. We can’t be all at the same time. We should make that hard choice as our launch!
#2 We should avoid the enterprise sales mindset unless our deal size is really large. Too many Sales VPs are personally peddling 2 lakh ARR in a 6 month cycle to prospect CEOs in the hope they can train their ISE to do that tomorrow. That’s the one way ticket to SAAS sales graveyard.
#3 Sales planning is too important to be left to the new Sales VP. There’s Content, hiring, CSE, pitch-deck, product-market fit,… it takes them a 6 months to learn, hire & get effective.