The most important thing for a salesperson to do in the last weekend of the year

The most important thing for a salesperson to do in the last weekend of the year

What is the most important thing for a salesperson to do in the last weekend of the year?

If you are not doing the last weekend dash – and have achieved your numbers OR don’t see any chance of meeting your numbers – now is the time to meditate.

Meditate – literally – to release the twin imposters of triumph and disaster; success and failure – and take time off to smell the flowers and spend time with your family.

Meditate – figuratively – on the quarter/year that went by. Do the real win/loss analysis – the one that you don’t have to share with your boss.

Make sure you imbibe the lessons. Keeping a permanent journal of all your learning. This will be the best free investment you will ever make in your career!

This is a great way to look back and reflect upon everything you have learnt.

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