Month: May 2022

Lessons from B2B Founders on Selling to the US

Lessons from B2B Founders on selling to the US: 🛫 Every Venture Capitalist/Angel Investor/Wellwisher worth their salt will sooner rather than later ask: ‘When are you going to the US market?’ – Have a well-thought-out reason or ‘Why not?’ and if you can’t find the reason – have a plan. 😔 Selling to the USA…
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How to Prospect as a New Salesperson?

Imagine a new salesperson, selling door to door in 45-degree heat. It’s the first day – who has received zero training. How do they prospect? Chris Beall, a Sales enablement leader, faced this challenge when he started his career nearly 40 years ago. In just two weeks, he went from a ranked rookie to a…
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How to get Genuine Confidence back?

How to get honest-to-goodness genuine confidence back? Are you feeling a bit down?  Everyone has been a bit over the blues in the last couple of years. How do you bounce back?  Some wonderful pieces of advice by Martin Zwilling, founder & CEO at Startup Professionals, Inc:  🎯Convince yourself of what you want most in life,…
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