That elusive sales rain-maker is a figment of your imagination

That elusive sales rain-maker is a figment of your imagination

Are you searching for that elusive rain-maker salesperson to bring in multi-million dollar deals, for your company to survive? That person who has a high power rolodex and magically pulls deals from nowhere that takes you on the path of prosperity & million dollar bank accounts?

Sorry to break your bauble – but such persons exist only in sales fictions, self-help books, hyped-up self PR for people searching for their next gig  – not in real life.

Rainmaker sales-persons cannot sell unless:

  1. Your solution is brilliant enough, different enough, & proven enough;
  2. You have worked on building a high performing sales & marketing engine+process+culture  that sustains baby rainmakers to grow into real rainmakers.

The sooner we as founders & CEOs & Sales-leaders realize this – the faster are we on the path to create real-life non-fiction rainmaker sales deals! #salesculture #rainmakersarenotborn #rainmakersaremadebycompany

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